Work Out Program For Women : Now I know what I'm about to say in this blog post is somewhat debatable, at least according to those those that believe the Earth is flat, only 2,000 years old, and is still the center of the universeowever, I'm going to say it anyway. :) Modern scientists estimate the age of the universe to be over 15 billion years oldhe Earth itself is over 4 billion years old, while Modern man, as a species evolved a little over 200,000 years agohere I said it..es I believe in evolution, it just seems to make senseet, I still consider myself to be a spiritual person and believe in God..ay possiblybe not your God, but a higher intelligence none-the-lessow before you close the browser because you think I'm about to get all controversial on you; calm down, take a deep breath and open your mind to what evolution can teach a hardgainer, like yourself, about building muscle and Getting the body and life you've always dreamed ofurvival of the Fittest (discovering Your Primal Purpose) ... [Read More : Work Out Program For Women]
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Work Out Program For Women
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