Can Panic Attacks Mimic Seizures : What Is Anxiety And How Do I Get Rid Of It - Worry and fear are two emotions that are deeply ingrained into our brainsumans demand a certain amount of worry in order to liveorry keeps us from doing something stupid, and makes us aware of all the things that may go wrong in order to take corrective action in order to avoid thesehe "fear" reaction is remnants of our days as hunters and gatherers, when we had to be concerned about a predator hiding in the bushes or re-consider those berries we were going to eatoday, we don't have to worry about lions or poisonous berries, but worry makes us check twice before crossing the street, and helps us be responsible with our financesut too much worry is toxic, and is like a black cloud over your head, blocking out the sunonstant and significant worry is known as 'anxiety' and can poison your lifenxiety can become so bad that you can't eat, sleep, or incredibly like anythingnce you feel paralyzed by your worry, please know you are NOT alonenxiety is the most ... [Read More ! Can Panic Attacks Mimic Seizures]
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Can Panic Attacks Mimic Seizures : What Is Anxiety And How Do I Get Rid Of It
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